Christian Festival FOR ALL AGES
- Isle of wight
27th-28th july 2024
IOW County Showground
the lineup
worship teams
danny oates
Rob Westall
Kelly Newton Wordsworth
tom smith
Lou Fellingham
Arun worship
Luke Cartwright
Wynelle Cowdery
children's & youth ministry
limitless ryde (KIDS)
chip kendall (youth)
worship tent
tony & suzanne anderson
ali parsons
esther brown
steve randall
claire henretty
naomi warburton
Abbi leverton
Support Us
This event is only made possible through generous donations and the early sale of tickets.
Lionheart Festival is committed to spreading the Good News of Jesus. If you would like to donate and support the festival financially, please click the link below.
We are now looking for volunteers to help make this event possible.
If you feel that you would like to serve God as part of the weekend, please use the volunteer button below to visit our Volunteer page for more info.