Testimonies From Lionheart Festival 2024
"We were at Lionheart Festival and we asked J if he would like to hear ‘a word from
‘God’ and he was excited, “Oh, I’ve never done that before!” I had a word for him that
I sensed the Lord wanted to give him a pair of ‘jaguar printed trainers.’ I said I had a
sense that he was a man that liked to ‘go fast!’ He said he was! I was hearing
‘jaguar’ over him - saying he is a man of class & distinction. He said, “Oh yes, and
my initials are JAG!” After ministering he got out his phone to look at something and
guess what his screen saver was - a picture of a jaguar! It opened up a key for him
to be seen & loved! We were able to work through past pain for him to come up with
a divine resolution. Thank you Jesus!"
Kingdom Living Ministries
It's amazing, so many believers outside and praise God, all united by 1 faith. The
atmosphere was almost electric. Seeing people touched by God was awesome.
Great music being given to the music giver as it should be.
SharonAttendee at Lionheart 2024
"I did the evangelism training with Cfan over 2 days at The Lighthouse church in
Sandown before going out on the seafront sharing Jesus using the 'Jesus At The
Door' cards. This is something that has been on my heart for a long time to do, but
as someone whom I would describe as an introvert and who hates conflict I knew it
wouldn't be easy. When Luke talked on the Sunday about some of us being terrified,
that was me! However having an experienced team of volunteers to go out with who
were all welcoming and amazing, really helped. And coming to understand that the
results aren't down to us, enables us to share what's on our hearts without worrying
about the outcome. On day one, on leaving the church, Gloria and I came across a
lady who is a pagan and who is into witchcraft so that was the first challenge! She
was adamant she wouldn't change but she engaged in a conversation for quite a
long time and so we continue to pray for her. One young lady we spoke to was
already a Christian and when we prayed for her, Gloria had a word from God which
she needed to hear. We saw a man on his own on a bench but we walked past,
before stopping and both agreeing that we needed to go back and talk to him. A
good job we did, as he gave His life to Christ! The second time I went out with Jamie
and we had some good conversations, one with a man sitting on the wall watching
his family playing on the beach. He had a lot of questions mainly about why there is
so much evil in the world. He didn't make a commitment but was engaged and willing
to listen. At first he refused prayer but later on allowed me to pray for him. As a
group we also sang worship songs on the seafront as people walked by. Very
powerful. I would love to hear other people's experiences of doing this and would like
to continue to go out, so praying for the right person to partner with. It will be lovely
to have Cfan on the Island again. The weekend was amazing too. The worship,
teaching, prayer tent and the Holy Communion service. God blessed us with great
MicheleAttendee at Lionheart 2024
Just wanted to say thank you for having me at your wonderful event, the best vibe at
an event I've experienced, everybody so happy and welcoming and so extremely
well run.
AnonymousService volunteer
Hi all After worship and preaching in Ventnor we witnessed the atmosphere change
We jumped to 11 salvations in just over an hour On Saturday I spoke with a lady who
was a reiki master. One day she decided to stop praying to the universe and started
praying to God. She then came under attack from others dabbling in witchcraft and
started to see manifestations in her house. She said this became exhausting and
began to look for help She found herself in hell and the only way out was for her to
resight the lord's prayer. I shared the Gospel with her and she immediately accepted
Christ and received the Holy spirit. As she broke in tears. I then asked where on the
island she lived "Ventnor" she said The following day I asked how she slept "never
had such a peaceful" sleep she said. Also on Sunday we prayed for a man who had
prayer on Saturday. I found him at the entrance hardly able to speak The spirit said
pray for his tongue to be loosed. Immediately he spoke out "Tongue" I said praise the
Lord. he repeated. I said Hallelujah again he repeated As he began to praise Jesus
his speech improved We asked him to do something he couldn't before. He raised
his hand above his head. We prayed for his legs to be strengthened. He stood up
without his walking aid and the did 2 laps of the field without it. Then he opened a
bottle of water by himself and drank from it. After Luke sent us out I prayed for
another man and his wife and began to pray that the fussiness be removed from her
mind, clarity to return and for her to receive a new energy. Turns out she had been
feeling like this for a long time and been having tests at the doctor's who could not
diagnose the problem. 2 minutes later she was up dancing around like a teenager.
All glory and honour to our God who demonstrated his power and authority through
the Holy Spirit over the 5 days I do have more amazing testimonies, but I thought
these stood out. May God continue the good works he has begun and brings them to
completion And may He richly bless you all.